CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a light touch, non-invasive method that improves the function of the craniosacral system in turn improving the health and function of the whole body through relieving pain and dysfunction. The craniosacral system (CSS) is a system that protects and surrounds the brain and spinal cord with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and the three membranes in the head and spine. This system has access to the whole body through the central nervous system and extends to the entire body through connective tissue.
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) may improve the functioning of the central nervous system, as well as many other systems of the body such as digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, and more. CST has also been shown to help with the physical components related to such somatic conditions as Post Traumatic Stress, depression, and anxiety. For more information, please visit and explore the website.