June 2024: Introductions to New Team Members and New Services

Meet the latest additions to our team and learn about all of the new services that we have added >>Read more

April 2022: My experience on Kona, Big Island, Hawaii

My latest journeys to Hawaii and how I reconnected to the essence of who we are >>Read more

December 2021 Newsletter

Learn about the importance of the lymphatic system as part of the self-healing process. >>Read more

March 2021 Newsletter

A deeply personal sharing of body trauma, family lineage, and self-healing. >>Read more

Honoring Hank Wesselman

Today, I'm honoring the life and passing of a great wisdom carrier, Henry Barnard Wesselman III (1941-2021) >>Read more

December 2020 Newsletter

Seasonal greetings! I'm excited to share with you my upcoming virtual events and introduce you to my new administrator, Micaela. >>Read more

September 2020 Newsletter

Have you ever ordered vitamins or supplements online and found that they were old or inappropriately stored? I now offer you a new way to order the freshest quality! >>Read more

June 2020 Newsletter

I hope this reaches you in good health and that you’re finding creative ways to fill your time and make connections in these unusual times. >>Read more

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Dynamic Journeys

(916) 838-2570 | dynamicsacramento@gmail.com
3112 O Street Suite #15, Sacramento, CA 95816

© 2022 Dynamic Journeys